Be Aware of the Footprint You Leave

     It is time for all of us to do our part in leaving our forest lands and campgrounds healthy and free of trash. This pertains to all of the national forest.
     Annually families and friends check their calendars and plan to gear up and go camping. In doing this, we pack the must haves for our trip; food, water, camping equipment, maps, electronics, etc. One item that is commonly overlooked in our mad dash to hit the road are trash and recycle bags.
     A simple over looked item yet, it causes hundreds of man hours and thousands of dollars each year in clean up.
     At Camp Edison we are making every attempt to reduce the amount of trash that is left by providing more trash and recycle cans, easier access, and educating guests with handouts and signage. We have heightened our awareness on the importance of recycling. Several reasons exist as to why we should promote recycling.
     Recycling helps us to convert our old products into new useful products. Since we are saving resources and are sending less trash to the landfills it helps in reducing air and water pollution. In other words, it’s good for the environment. Reasons to keep recycling and not litter:
1. Protects Wildlife: Using recycled materials reduces damage forests, wetlands, rivers and other places essential to wildlife.
2. Good for our Economy: U.S. companies rely on recycling programs to provide raw material they need to make new products.
3. Reduces water pollution: Making goods from
recycled materials generates far less pollution than manufacturing from virgin materials.
4. Reduces waste: The average American discards seven pounds of garbage every day. Most of this goes into landfills.
5. Litter lasts a long time: orange peels--two years, plastic bags--10-20 years, tin cans--50 years, aluminum cans--80-100 years, glass bottles--1 million years, plastic bottles--Indefinitely.
     So next time you come up to Shaver whether you are enjoying the beautiful lake, heading to the ski resort, or just recreating for the day please help us keep our local mountains clean and safe.
     Did you know that guests staying at Camp Edison will be provided trash and recycle bags during their stay? Pack up the family, bring the dogs, and come visit us today--make your online reservation at
     Adopt a Cove Program
     Join the Adopt a Cove Program. Donate your time to maintain a portion of the shoreline on Shaver Lake.
     Individuals or groups interested in adopting a section of shoreline at Shaver Lake, must be willing to perform at least a combined 80 hours of service during a one year commitment. Projects that you are likely to encounter during your year of adoption include: collection and removal of trash, removal of illegal campfire rings, and driftwood cleanup/pile for burning.
    In appreciation of your efforts, The section of shoreline you adopt will have a sign with your group’s name on it.

Please Be Sure to Leave No Trace

Plan Ahead and Prepare
     Know the regulations and concerns for the area in which you’ll be camping, hiking, backpacking, hunting, boating, riding horses, biking, 4-wheeling or fishing. Camp and travel in small groups.
     Avoid popular areas during heavy use times. Learn to properly store your food to protect it from bears and other animals. Repackage food into re-usable containers like Ziploc bags. Avoid tin or aluminum cans and glass. Reduce the amount of trash brought into the woods by eliminating all unnecessary packaging. Stay on designated trails while hiking or backpacking. Walk single file in the center of the path. Use existing trails. Don’t shortcut switchbacks.
     If traveling cross-country hike on surfaces like rock, sand, gravel, pine needles, or dry grasses to prevent vegetation damage and erosion.
Dispose of Waste Properly
     Pack It In, Pack It Out. If it wasn’t there when you came then don’t leave it there when you leave! You are responsible for anything you bring in with you. Carry out all your trash.      Make your site or travel route look like nobody was ever there. Leave no signs of human influence. Remove all evidence of your stay. Inspect your campsite for trash or misplaced gear before you leave. Pick up trash that others may have missed or that were dropped by accident.
     Bury human waste in cat holes about 6-8” deep 200 feet from any water sources, campsites, or trails. Carry out used toilet paper. Carry out feminine hygiene products. Do not bury them.
Wash yourself and dishes 200 feet from any water sources and away from campsites. Food scraps will attract insects and animals. Filter your dishwater and carry out your food scraps with the rest of your trash.
Leave What You Find
     Take only pictures, leave only the lightest of footprints. Bring home only memories. Resist the temptation to take souvenirs. Leave stones, feathers, artifacts, shells, petrified wood, etc. so others may enjoy them.
Respect Mother Nature
     Leave the place you’re visiting in a natural condition. You can’t improve Nature. Do not alter a site in any way. Good campsites are found, not made.
     Make sure your fire is completely out before leaving an area. Scatter your leftover cold ashes over a large area away from campsites.
Respect Wildlife
     Treat the animals with respect. You are a visitor, traveling and camping in their backyard. Do not feed them! Cook and eat away from your campsite so you don’t attract bears.
     Camp at least 200 feet from water. Animals come to water to drink and may be scared off.
Be Considerate of Others
     Preserve the solitude. Respect other hikers by traveling and camping quietly. Keep radios at home.
     Camp as far from other visitors. Pets are best left at home. If you do bring a pet keep them on a leash and under control at all times. Uphill hikers have the right of way.