Shaver Lake Volunteers New Kiosk
Shaver Lake Volunteers usually concentrate on construction and maintenance of mountain trails for hikers, horseback riders, Nordic skiers and mountain bicyclists. However, they recently oversaw an important community project: the construction of a Visitor Information Kiosk in the parking lot of the Community Center.
Realizing that there was no easy way for tourists to get regional information, they developed a plan. They decided to provide a kiosk. Then visitors can get an overview of what to see, where to go, and what to do. The kiosk is roofed, ADA accessible, and features ten 3’ square printed metal panels. These sections provide information on local businesses, area attractions, and outlying regions. CalTrans agreed to install a highway sign noting, “Visitor Information ¼ mile ahead on the left” as you come into town.
One panel depicts local businesses. The other two describe the businesses and features to be found exploring east on Dinkey Creek Road or heading north to Huntington Lake and into Kaiser Pass Wilderness.
Additional panels show hiking trails on the Shaver Lake Volunteers Trail Map, features of the CSHS Museum of the Central Sierra, and a graphic of the Big Creek Hydroelectric project entitled “From Snowmelt to Power for Your Home and Water to grow Your Food”.
A space was allotted to publicizing coming events in the mountain area, such as the Shaver Lake Lions Crab Feed, the Shaver Lake Visitors Bureau Fireworks Fundraiser, the High
Realizing that there was no easy way for tourists to get regional information, they developed a plan. They decided to provide a kiosk. Then visitors can get an overview of what to see, where to go, and what to do. The kiosk is roofed, ADA accessible, and features ten 3’ square printed metal panels. These sections provide information on local businesses, area attractions, and outlying regions. CalTrans agreed to install a highway sign noting, “Visitor Information ¼ mile ahead on the left” as you come into town.
One panel depicts local businesses. The other two describe the businesses and features to be found exploring east on Dinkey Creek Road or heading north to Huntington Lake and into Kaiser Pass Wilderness.
Additional panels show hiking trails on the Shaver Lake Volunteers Trail Map, features of the CSHS Museum of the Central Sierra, and a graphic of the Big Creek Hydroelectric project entitled “From Snowmelt to Power for Your Home and Water to grow Your Food”.
A space was allotted to publicizing coming events in the mountain area, such as the Shaver Lake Lions Crab Feed, the Shaver Lake Visitors Bureau Fireworks Fundraiser, the High
Sierra Regatta at Huntington and the Trophy Trout Fundraiser Dinner; as well as listing hours for the Protestant and Catholic services in the adjacent Shaver Lake Chapel. Two additional panels are planned for the future.
Shaver Lake Volunteers employed the services of locals, Cartographer, Kim Briggs and Talahi Media Arts to create and finalize the images for the metal panels.
The group was founded more than 20 years ago by Marcia Wiens, a former resident. It is sponsored by SCE. Their normal focus has been construction and maintenance of trails for hiking, horseback riding, mountain biking and Nordic skiing on SCE forest lands. In addition, volunteers patrol the shores of the lake during the annual Fireworks Display, sponsor a Spring Shoreline Cleanup Day, and occasionally help with other community events. The Steering Committee meets monthly to plan Guided Hikes and Trail Work Days.
Shaver Lake Volunteers has two sub-groups: Adopt-A-Cove, and Adopt-A-Trail. Individuals interested in maintenance and cleanup of these areas can sign up to be responsible for a specific trail or lake cove. It is not necessary to be a member of the Steering Committee or attend any meetings to sign up for your own trail or cove.
The group does not have government grants or other funding from any outside source. All money for our equipment is made by recycling cans and bottles from Camp Edison trash. For more details visit our website.
Shaver Lake Volunteers employed the services of locals, Cartographer, Kim Briggs and Talahi Media Arts to create and finalize the images for the metal panels.
The group was founded more than 20 years ago by Marcia Wiens, a former resident. It is sponsored by SCE. Their normal focus has been construction and maintenance of trails for hiking, horseback riding, mountain biking and Nordic skiing on SCE forest lands. In addition, volunteers patrol the shores of the lake during the annual Fireworks Display, sponsor a Spring Shoreline Cleanup Day, and occasionally help with other community events. The Steering Committee meets monthly to plan Guided Hikes and Trail Work Days.
Shaver Lake Volunteers has two sub-groups: Adopt-A-Cove, and Adopt-A-Trail. Individuals interested in maintenance and cleanup of these areas can sign up to be responsible for a specific trail or lake cove. It is not necessary to be a member of the Steering Committee or attend any meetings to sign up for your own trail or cove.
The group does not have government grants or other funding from any outside source. All money for our equipment is made by recycling cans and bottles from Camp Edison trash. For more details visit our website.